Sunday, November 27, 2016

Wider Impact

"He(Jabez)was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory!  Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!”  And God granted him his request."  I Chronicles 4:10

I just finished listening to the audio book, The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson. If you are ministering among Muslim women it might prove to be just what you need to give that extra boost to push through spiritually to enjoy wider influence and impact in your ministry.
It was a mid-afternoon, standing alone in my living room, when I felt like all the air from a balloon had been let out. Deflated. Nothing seemed to amount to anything in ministry. Just the same thing day in, day out, week after week, month after month, year after year. Visit, visit, visit....Is this all You want me to do? I forlornly asked the Lord. Will nothing go further? Is it just starting and ending here? I want so badly to pass on what You have taught me but I can’t envision how that can happen. Please do something, Lord.

I was crying and begging the same desperate prayer of Jabez, except in a spiritual sense: Enlarge my territory! There comes a time after years or decades of service with valuable experience and knowledge gained when we long to have a wider impact.  We want to coach others who feel called to reach out to Muslim women but don’t know how to go about it. We’re not concerned about gaining a reputation but to be an influence in God’s Kingdom work. For decades I was involved in my little corner but finally the time arrived when I yearned to break out of the confines of that sphere and experience more spiritual territory. So, I begged God to do just that. Maybe He waits until He sees we are desperate. Have you ever begged God to widen your impact in ministry? He will do it in ways which will surprise you.  Perhaps the widening of influence will come via public speaking, teaching, writing, or mobilizing a prayer network. God designs how your voice can best be heard.

Today I prayed for key women who are seeing their spiritual territory being enlarged.  Some of you role models are in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. God is enlarging your spiritual territory(His Kingdom), giving wider impact to your ministry, and making you influential as you equip women eager to learn how to engage in ministry among Muslim women. You are making a difference. He validates you. Keep asking Him to expand your borders more– for there is much territory to be claimed for God! Transcending denominational borders you are a pioneer blazing new trails in God’s Kingdom.

Perhaps some of you readers have been searching and praying for more resources to help you understand Muslim women better and how to share the Good News with them more effectively. You might want to check out the website  

Dear heavenly Father, please enlarge the impact of my Christian sisters around the world who are the modellers and influencers in ministry among Muslim women. Anoint them with Your power, blessing, and gifting. In Jesus’ name, Amen.