“…And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.” II Cor. 3: 18b
Ed and I quickly grabbed the large garbage bag from the kitchen and threw it in the trunk of the car to drop off in the garbage bin. When we arrived at the mall we discovered we had forgotten to drop it off. We couldn’t believe it that we had taken our garbage all the way to the mall and back home with us!
It made me think of how I have run off occasionally to visit my Muslim friends. I always hope for a good opportunity to explain the Good News with them. But sometimes I realize later that I hadn’t gotten rid of the garbage, like resentment or unforgiveness, in my soul before entering their homes. I had carried it along with me right into their homes. Somehow those visits have a dreadful way of falling flat. The glory is missing. I always know something was neglected before I arrived.
Another time I quickly ran off to a parent/teacher meeting and hadn’t checked in the mirror first to see if I looked presentable. How embarrassed I was later to discover that I had worn my top inside out. I suspect the image reflected of me as a mother was questioned by that teacher.
Likewise I know I have at times visited my Muslim friends with the purpose of explaining the love and truth of Jesus with them but haven’t prepared my soul in quiet reflection on Scriptures or taken the time to pray. With that oversight my visits often don’t bring forth opportunities to share. The glory has been held back.
In the early years of ministry it really became apparent to me that if I didn’t care for my own soul first I wouldn’t be able to speak into anyone else’s soul either. I discovered there is no way to wing it or cover it up. There have been quite a few times I have had angry thoughts about someone right until the moment I step into one of my Muslim friend’s homes. I try to cover up my anger and agitation but it doesn’t work. We enjoy inviting Muslim friends over for supper. But there have been times when I have been busy, busy, busy preparing the food but haven’t taken the time to sit down in quietness and reflection before they arrive. Perhaps I have been bugged about something or someone but the food preparations pushed away the opportunity to quiet my soul and make me ready to minister with a clean heart. I’ve learned the hard way. Incredible opportunities to let God’s glory shine really do open up when garbage has been disposed of and my soul is prepared and ready. It’s like a mystifying Glory fills my soul, my visit with Fatima, and the very room itself. It’s not better and more explanation that is needed but a clearer image of the Glorious One.
Dear heavenly Father, I yearn to walk in the glory of Your presence and to be ready at all times for You to shine. In Jesus’ name, Amen.