The first time I spoke with Mohammed he was in high
spirits about how wonderful Canada is. “The government is like an angel!” he
exclaimed. You would have thought he had arrived in paradise. Some time later
when I met him he was disillusioned and
upset about homosexuality being allowed. Now the government did not seem so
angelic anymore. In fact he was wishing he was back in his country which would
punish homosexuals. The issue of same sex marriages is almost too much for some
Muslim newcomers to adjust to. He experienced anger and depression. I have
discovered that the majority of Muslims who come to the West eventually
encounter a painful season of disillusionment. The “honeymoon” ends.
Encountering disillusionment is a painful experience.
We start out with fresh vigor and high idealism only to have it come crashing
down on us making us bitter and disappointed.
I encountered disillusionment after the honeymoon season in ministry ended. There
have been misgivings and unanswered questions the past 35 years. Usually my
expectations have been too high. It has not always been easy to see things
realistically or to make adjustments.
Some of the
disillusionment I have experienced in different situations have helped me to
understand the disillusionment some of my Muslim friends walk through in coming
to Canada. They usually do not receive sufficient orientation of what life will
be like before they arrive here. No doubt a lot of what they were told wasn’t
processed sufficiently. When they arrive they may be overwhelmed and dazed and
view much through the prism of idealism. But it doesn’t take long until their
expectations are shaken. Some can adjust, but not everyone.
What does this have to do with sharing the Gospel with
them? A lot. It is helpful to understand
their journey and that it usually affects their ability to absorb or respond to
new spiritual information. It is not easy to hear clearly in a state of
disillusionment. Often we immediately start sharing the Good News of Jesus
Christ with them while they are just trying hard to get their bearings. We like
to zoom in on that which is uppermost in importance spiritually. But it is wise
to go slow. A veteran missionary couple shared some wise advice when we arrived
in Pakistan. “Go slow,” they exhorted. It may ultimately be wise to be slow in
giving a Jesus dvd or a Bible or inviting them to church. The ripe time will
come. Everything in our western culture screams “go fast”. We don’t like to
wait at all. We might completely dismiss or minimize the disillusioned stage
they are walking through. Just like their journey moves slowly from stage to
stage so our journey of sharing the love and truth of Jesus will need to move
from stage to stage which most likely will need to be at a slow pace. I think
long term investment.
Go slow
was some of the best advice I ever received. We can learn from the Emmaus Road
conversation how Jesus dealt with disillusioned people. When the time was ripe
Jesus zeroed in on the Truth.