“In Him(Jesus) lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:3
Four little Arab girls were running around their house clutching new purses. It gave the impression some precious treasure had to be guarded. Each girl opened her purse to show me what was so special. One by one they pulled out “Daily Bread” devotionals! Apart from those there was nothing else in their purses. A couple of elderly ladies standing outside a store had given them to the girls. I explained to them that there were stories about Isa Al Masih in the booklets and to keep them because one day they would understand them.
Sometimes when I am visiting in Muslim homes children want to know what I have in my purse. I decided to create a treasure chest of evangelistic illustrations; not just for children but for women, too. I bought a strong sandwich size plastic container and glued a fancy gold colored plastic doily on the lid. It’s amazing what all is packed into my treasure chest. In it are:
1. Compact mirror – the Law shows us our sin but has no power to change us.
2. Lipstick – we live behind a mask.
3. Band Aid – we cover up our blemishes or wounds.
4. 3 inch wordless book - explains the salvation message by colors.
5. Hotel size bar of soap - what can take our sin away and wash us clean?
6. Pearl necklace - Jesus is the Pearl of Great Price.
7. Little bottle - God stores our tears in His bottle - Psalm 56:8
8. Red heart stickers - God loves you.
9. Tiny wooden cross - salvation story. Find out what they know so far.
10. Small package of needles - “Easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of God.” Luke 18:25
11. Bus pass ticket - on what basis can we receive permission to enter heaven?
12. Two fancy keys(one with a red heart painted on it and the other painted with stripes of a rainbow) – Jesus has the keys to heaven based on giving His life for us and He has promised eternal life to those who follow Him.
13. Two different miniature Ukrainian nesting dolls – explanation on my blog under Insights and titled One Face.
14. Butterfly stickers - new life and freedom in Jesus Christ.
15. Red, white, and green striped candy cane(Christmas time) - explain the symbolism of the colors.
Muslim women and children love illustrations and stories with a visual aid. At the appropriate time I will pick something out of my treasure chest. My Bible and a copy of the Jesus dvd are in my purse, too. No tool is effective without the power of the Holy Spirit at work. I know He doesn’t need my treasure chest but He can use anything. The real Treasure is Jesus Himself!
Dear heavenly Father, open the eyes of Muslim women and children to grasp the magnificence of our Treasure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.