As I got acquainted with Julie, a busy home-schooler mother of five, I became increasingly interested how she was reaching out to her Muslim friend, Nasrin. At first she was unsure how to proceed spiritually or relationally with Nasrin. She decided to just follow the nudging of her heart which kept whispering to her, “Just love Nasrin”.
When Nasrin went to the hospital for surgery, Julie took her three children into her own home for a week, even though it meant a lot of extra work with five children of her own already. It spoke volumes to Nasrin. Often Julie massages Nasrin’s head to give her relief from debilitating headaches. One day another Muslim lady was over visiting at Nasrin’s when Julie dropped by. The visitor and Julie couldn’t communicate leaving Julie feeling helpless and unsure how to converse. All she could think of was to take the lady’s hand and gently massage it. Nasrin’s husband came down with cancer causing a stressful situation for them both. Julie again did what she knew best: to love them. She wasn’t sure how to share Christ with Nasrin’s dying husband but she thought, I could sing to him. She spent time intentionally memorizing all the verses of the song, “In Christ Alone”. One day towards the end of his life she quietly sat near his bedside and sang the song to him. Visiting, caring for Nasrin’s children in her own home, giving massages, and singing the gospel to a dying Muslim man and frightened wife all communicated the love of Jesus.
I remember one situation when someone's kind touch really meant alot to me. My husband and I had been hiking in the mountainous terrain of Pakistan when I could hardly make it down the mountain and over the glacier because my knee was shooting sharp pain. I was in agony. We made our way to a friend's home and collapsed with pain on the rickety rope charpai(bed) in his one room stone/mud house. Our friend's mother gave me a wonderful malish - the Pakistani form of massaging. She was a real pro at it! It relieved my pain and meant so much to me; especially since I was out in the middle of nowhere, far from a hospital or medicines.
Whether it is singing, massaging, or caring for children our Muslim friends will sense we love them when we show kindness. How has God used your kind touch to minister to a Muslim woman? Or... how has a Muslim woman's kindness to you met a real need? Remember the Samaritan woman who met Jesus' need for a drink of water? Or the story of the Good Samaritan? Why not share your story with us all?