To my dear sisters living in USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Arabian Peninsula, NZ, Australia and Indonesia who have responded to either my book,
Woman to Woman, Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend or my blog:
I am blessed by your letters. There is a common theme running through some of your letters. I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been there and sometimes still am. I read that God has placed a love in your hearts to reach Muslim women with the Good News of Jesus but that you sometimes feel alone in reaching them. I identify with your heart and share your tears. I want to commend each of you valiantly persevering. Some of you, like me, have experienced tremendous hindrances and obstacles along the way. I want you to know there are quite a large number of us Christian women scattered across the world loving Muslim women. We are focused, determined and relentless in dispensing the love and compassion of Jesus. We aren’t driven by guilt or obligation. We are driven by the love of God. Our eyes see Muslim women. We look beyond their hijab or niqab. Our ears hear the cries of Ishmael’s daughters. Our feet are moving towards them. Our hands gently minister to them. Out of our mouths beautiful Life-giving words pour forth. And out of our hearts flow rivers of love. We are on fire with the Holy Spirit for a task that is too big for us but being accomplished by God. We just need to know that we are
together in this God-mission. You aren’t alone.

Two years ago I was awakened by a graphic dream. All I saw was a *pussy willow branch with catkins flying all directions. I wondered what that was all about. I actually hadn’t seen *pussy willows before nor knew how they multiplied. I got up(maybe 5 a.m.?) and checked Google about them. They are one of the first signs that Spring has arrived. The catkins are blown by the wind; not planted like normal seed. I got the message that God was going to do something new. His Wind was going to spread something all over the world. It was such a powerful message that I went and looked for *pussy willow branches in the stores. I found some and displayed them in my house. Then, passing through another store, I saw a large painting of *pussy willow branches. I bought it for my home, too. God was saying something but I didn’t know what. Today I realize what the prophetic word was about. The book and blog have literally found their way around the world being blown by the wind of the Holy Spirit. He is doing a new thing, sisters! It’s Spring in the Kingdom of God. We’re living in a kairos time of history where a fluid, unorganized, unstructured movement of Christian women intentionally reaching out to Muslim women is taking place. You are a significant part of that. I wish I could meet each of you. I pray for you. Keep up the good work. Bless you.
Your sister in Christ,